Sunday 12 May 2013

A Confusion of wrongs

A Confusion of Wrongs

The revelation in the US that three teenagers could be abducted and kept prisoner for 10 years is horrendous. What is more worrying is that they were kept captive within a short distance from where they were abducted!

The fact that these young women were systematically tortured and raped for that period is equally horrifying. According to police one man is the lead suspect and among other things he has been accused of is starving at least one of the girls and systematically punching her in the stomach to abort children that were conceived in this den of horrors. The prosecutors of the case say that they may seek the death penalty for the murder of the unborn children.

Here I am confused. The man who did these things needs to face a just penalty for his crimes, they are inexcusable! But how can a state legislature that allows abortion (which devalues the life of the child), try a man for a capital crime of murder (which values the life of the child and demands retribution for the life lost) for a crime that involves the death of an unborn child? 

By allowing the unborn to be killed in the womb by doctors you have to render the child to be a non person, something that has no value. Terminating the life of a child life then is removing something that is of no value and holds no moral guilt. The pro-abortion lobby have spent years pushing the point of view that a fetus is a collection of excess cells nothing more, so if you believe their argument, an abortion is about as morally wrong as clipping your toe nails.

If an unborn child has no value under the Ohio state law then how can a government seek the death penalty for killing an unborn child? The wrongness of what happened to these young women must be exposed and culprit(s) bought to justice. 

Perhaps one positive that night come out of it is that the horror of what happened to these girls might instill in the minds of many the horrors of abortion. Perhaps people will rethink the value of of the unborn and perhaps abortion laws will change because of it.

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