Wednesday 7 June 2017

A few words about climate change.

In recent days I have taken a hammering on my Facebook page when  I made comments about Donald Trump withdrawing from the Paris climate pact.

I have made the point several times, that for me, climate change is a difficult issue to resolve because the politicized science. I do not know if I can agree with the existence of a phenomenon called Climate Change but I can see very clearly that whether or not Climate Change exists being ecologically responsible is not a bad thing. The less toxic gas we put we put in the atmosphere the better that is for all of the planet. 

I have flown into Bangkok, Mumbai, New York, Los Angeles, Sydney, Melbourne, London and Singapore enough times to see the brown clouds of pollution the hover those cities and other mega cities like them waiting to be blown out to sea or inland to become someone else's problem.

Climate change aside brown clouds are not good for human kind. This is God's earth, he has entrusted it to us - if we trash it we are showing gross disrespect to Him who deserves the most respect. 

The radical deforestation of parts of our planet is not being equally replaced by an equal amount trees being planted by concerned greenies, and the trees that are being planted are they in the right place to help clean the dirtiest of the smog that is blown about the planet?

I am not a greenie but I try to be responsible. My wife and I for years rented houses our plan was to leave every house we lived in better shape for having us as tenants rather than leaving it worse for wear when we moved on. Is it not the same for the planet, shouldn't one generation try to leave things better for the following generations? 

Much has been made about the unfairness of the Paris accord and how it just another opportunity for people to pick on America. 

I love America - it is the No 2 country in my heart next to Australia. I love Americans they are kind, funny, generous and love God with a passion, and even though America gets it wrong from time to time when they do, they are drawn back to their roots, to the foundational belief that  "in God we trust" are not simply words that have been stamped onto the face of a coin or printed on the back of a bank note - they are the foundations of the heart and soul of the nation in which they live.

This world needs leadership, for decades America has provided that leadership and being a leader can be expensive - but America has done us proud and led and been generous helped us to get a glimpse of what one nation under God actually looks like. 

When you are the tallest poppy there will be doubters and nay-sayers  but they all come running home when they need a powerful friend who is not afraid to stand up for what is right.

It concerned me that Donald Trump campaigned with the slogan "Make America great again" I was not aware that America had lost its greatness. I was not aware that the great friendly, leader of the world's democracies had departed from the path, lost its way, or had slipped in the rankings somehow. America is a great nation, a good leader and an inspiration. It needs to stand tall and come back to front of the line where it belongs. 

So what has this got to do with climate change. Much of  America is passionately against climate change and the rest either believe in it or are making up their minds. Meanwhile brown clouds still greet passengers visiting the worlds mega cities.  

Presently 1 in 9 people living on earth do not have access to clean drinking water and every year 842,000 people (mainly children) are estimated to die from the effects of the lack of unclean drinking water. Yet in the West  we pay about as much for designer bottled water as we do for petrol.

Forget the climate change argument for the minute - is it  too much for all of us to live cleaner and more ecologically responsibly and to improve our planet one generation at a time?! 

We need to put a stake in the ground and say that climate change or no climate change I will try to leave less of a foot print to impact the following generations.

Let's agree to change the things that we don't argue about. Basic things like;

* clean and safe drinking water for every child on the face of the planet

* reduce the brown clouds that hover over the world's mega cities

* clean air for all to breathe

Let the West be an inspiration to the rest of the world when it comes to managing this planet

Let our world leader set the standards that can transform our communities and provide clean air and clean water and safe living standards for every member.

People can argue about climate change, and may it not be true, but whether or not is lets agree to live cleanly and responsibly for the sake of future generations. WWJD?

1 comment:

  1. Well said Dave - that's a view I share. It's hard to sort the wheat from the chaff in respect to climate change. The now 'accepted' view is that climate change is real and caused by mankind! Full stop - end of story!! Futher comment / discussion is therefore no longer necessary and anybody with any other than the 'accepted view' is shouted down from the rooftops.
